Trafika Europe 9/10 - UK in Europe
realise, listening to Glea mostly, that people like her did not want any kind of freedom they wanted to be tethered. On the face of it Glea had seemed to be looking for the same thing I was with the throwing off of the oldie part of goldie, and the putting together of the G with Lea to make up something new. And it had seemed to me when I first met her as though we were maybe coming from similar places. And for a time I kind of liked her, I have to admit that. It wasn’t her looks – as I’ve mentioned, she was ordinary, to say the least. But then when I found we were actually moving in opposite directions I lost interest in her. She wasn’t moving in any direction in fact. She was simply
side-steeping the void. Underneath she was as bad as Aggie. Now I want to say a word or two about my brother Ciaran. I would have left the house share a little while before I did, except that Ciaran came to stay – he liked to do that sometimes when his wife Lorna went to visit her mother. Because he didn’t like being alone. So weird! But I’d said he could and didn’t want to go back on my word. And I did wonder if he wasn’t going through a bad patch of some kind because the week before, when I’d been staring idly out of the kitchen window at about 7am I suddenly saw him outside the gate looking furtive. What the … was he doing there at that hour? I banged on the window and he came
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