Trafika Europe 9/10 - UK in Europe
Author photo by Alice Gato. Bakhtiyar Ali’s novel, I Stared at the Night of the City , was first published in Great Britain in 2016 by Periscope, an imprint of Garnet Publishing Limited. Excerpts from Beyond Elsewhere by Gabriel Arnou- Laujeac are provided courtesy of White Pine Press. Thepoemsof PawełMarkiewiczareprovidedcourtesy of the author. Poems by Joan Margarit are from the new collection Love is a Place (2016), reprinted courtesy of Bloodaxe Books. The two stories “Still Waters” and “Flann, the Púca” are from A Contented Man and Other Stories (Weyward Sisters, 2016) courtesy of the publisher. Author photo is by Anette Göttlicher. Phoebe Giannisi’s poetry is provided courtesy of the poet, translated by her and Konstantinos Matsoukas. Author photo is by Beowulf Sheehan. Additional public domain translations have been used in this work (via the Perseus Digital Library at Tufts
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